Power-Up Your Social Media Posts with These Three Easy Steps

Happy New Year! It’s a new decade and a good time to evaluate your company’s presence on social media. Sure, you may have some accounts started, but think back to the last time you posted – when was it, and was it in line with your social media mission statement?

Social Media Mission Statement

A social media mission statement is beneficial if you remember to apply it to each message created. Remember the posts not only connect you with your audience but also establish your business or service as the expert in that area. Why is this so important? Because 70% of people surveyed say they’d rather learn about new products and services through content, such as social media, blogs, and video versus traditional advertising.

Three Easy Steps to Create a Social Media Mission Statement

One: Identify what channel is appropriate for your business. At a minimum, create a LinkedIn business page. But not all channels are suitable for all businesses. Refer to my November 2019 presentation for insight.

Two: Apply the mission statement to each chosen social media channel. Pick up key points you’re your business mission statement. Here is what I refer to as a “swiss cheese” mission statement (because of the holes) – feel free to use it:

We will use (insert social media channel here) to establish (your business) as the subject matter expert in (product/service here).

Here is an example of one I put together for a client:

We will use Twitter to establish Acme LED as the lighting company that can achieve the balance between a luminaires form and function while portraying the “lighter” side of our business and its people.

Three: Create a social media editorial calendar and use the mission statement as a filter for each post.

It’s as simple as that. Need feedback or help, give us a call or shoot Lynn and email if you have a question or need inspiration!

Lynn Meloche